WHEN: Monday, September 23, 2024
Call to the Carts: 10:40am
Check-in and warm-up begins at 9:15am
Marietta, GA 30068
Requested: $500 per Player
Minimum: $300 per Player
Includes greens and carts fees, lunch, post-round refreshments, gifts, and awards.
Click Here for Sponsorship Opportunities
- It is required that Registration be done by entering all four Players in your Foursome with contact information. (If you are an individual or have fewer than four Players, register who you have and Sandy Springs Mission will pair you up with additional Players).
- Changes of players or player information can be made by contacting John Daniel (see below).
- Player Entry Fee/Donation Information below.
- If playing in the Keith Cooper Cup competition, also supply name of the organization that your foursome is representing.
- For any questions, please call or text John Daniel: 404-520-9907, or email him: jcdaniel1964@gmail.com
(Click Here to Register)
Four methods of Payment:
1. Send checks payable to Sandy Springs Mission, marked “Golf Entry Fee for” and Player’s Name, to:
Sandy Springs Mission
P. O. Box 28636
Sandy Springs, GA 30358
2. Bring checks to registration table on September 23, 2024, payable to Sandy Springs Mission, marked “Golf Entry Fee for” and Player’s Name
3. Give online by Clicking Here
4. Players may seek pledges in lieu of (or in addition to) an entry fee. Some have had their company or organization sponsor a foursome. Notify John Daniel if either pledges or sponsorship will be the method of entry fee/donation payment.
*Keith Cooper Cup Competition:
1. Winner: that organization with the lowest of two foursome scores
- To compete for the Cup, an organization must enter two or more foursomes
2. Format of play: Scramble:
- All players hit tee shot
- Thereafter all players play from lie of preferred ball
- Foursome score on each hole is total of selected shots with final shot being the first ball holed.
- “Traveling mulligans” available for purchase at registration
3. Players shall hit their tee shots from the following tees:
- Age 75+: Red
- Age 60+: Gold
- Women: Red
- All others: White
4. In the event of a tie, the tied organizations’ two lowest foursome scorecards will be matched starting with the 18th hole, using the total of the two foursomes on the hole to determine the winner.
For any question, please reach out to John Daniel @ 404-520-9907 or email him: jcdaniel1964@gmail.com