In 2013, Felix was named the City of Sandy Springs’ Humanitarian, the highest award given by the city to someone who exemplifies the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Every year, 1.3 million students drop out of high school in the United States. Over half are students of color, and most are low-income. Low-income students fail to graduate at…
“La Organización Más Destacada del Año 2013” [The Year’s Most Outstanding Organization] in the area of education for Latino students by Mundo Hispánico, the leading Hispanic newspaper in Georgia.
Volunteers may work with students to complete their daily homework assignments or in groups to practice the key concepts of the day’s work. Most of them already know the material…
After a busy spring, I am relieved that summer is here but predictably, things do not slow down at the Mission during the “dog days of summer”. Before I mention…