Sandy Springs Mission

Transforming hearts

Helping at-risk students achieve academic success

Without a diploma, success in life is nearly impossible for Atlanta-area at-risk students. Academic failure impacts the future of these students, their families, and their communities.

As a faith-based nonprofit organization, the Sandy Springs Mission comes alongside parents and public schools to provide vital academic and character-building programming. We’re investing in the future of our community, one student at a time.

Sandy Springs Mission

Creating a legacy of hope since 1999


students served in 2021


students graduated


graduation rate

Diverse academic and character-building programs

Focusing primarily on language learners and under-performing students, the Sandy Springs Mission has developed strategic programming to build academic success throughout the academic continuum, from elementary through high school. These programs run year-round, and are available to at-risk students in the Atlanta area.

After School Enrichment Program

Teachers and volunteers work with students to complete homework, eliminate academic gaps, and enhance learning through enriching activities.

Summer Camp

1st-8th graders sharpen their skills during the critical summer months by participating in a three-week program of reading drills, math games, and language arts activities in addition to fun and enrichment activities.

Mission Baseball

Students learn teamwork, skills, and cooperation by participating in sports coached by Mission staff and volunteers.

High School Advancement

9th-12th graders meet twice a week throughout the school year for one-to-one tutoring, and are given the tools for post-high school education through Path to College and/or LYRIC (Latino Youth Readiness and Information for College).

Global Citizenship Service

Students involved in Sandy Springs Mission get the chance to give back by volunteering with local, nationwide, or worldwide organizations.


Meet our staff and Board of Directors and learn more about the history, mission, and vision of Sandy Springs Mission.


There are so many ways to give your time with Sandy Springs Mission. Review our open opportunities, and apply to help.


There’s always something happening with our students, families, and communities. Read our news to stay up-to-date and share it with those you know.
